Haddock Markup

This sample is meant to showcase many of Haddock's common features. It is not meant to be exhaustive. Consult Haddock's documentation for more information.

Feel free to edit this text and re-submit the form to see what it looks like! The generated links will survive until the server reboots.

Inline Formatting

Some italic text.

Some bold text.

Some mono text.

A http://example.com link.

Another hyper link.

An logo image.

Block Formatting

Headings are used throughout this example, from = h1 to ====== h6.

  • unordered

  • list

  1. ordered

  2. list

  code block
  /code/ __block__


>>> negate 1 -- GHCi example
prop> a + b = b + a -- property

Module Data.Maybe name.

Qualified Data.Maybe.Maybe type.

Unqualified Maybe type.

Qualified Data.Maybe.fromMaybe term.

Unqualified maybe term.

(When using Haddock for real, the above modules, types, terms would be hyperlinked if they can be resolved.)


Inline \( ax^2 + bx + c = 0 \) math.

Display math:

\[ x = {-b \pm \sqrt{b^2-4ac} \over 2a} \]


You won't be able to see it, but this will add an <a name="anchor"> element that can be used to link to specific pieces of content.

Anything can be 'escaped' with backslashes, even \ backslashes. Escaping works even when it's not "necessary".

Most markup can be nested.

Tables don't seem to work here.